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Only two visitors at a time per patient are allowed. This is to make sure that you get the rest you need and that other patients are not disturbed. For most wards, there are general visiting times but for some nursing departments different visiting times apply.


Smoking is not allowed anywhere inside the hospital. If you wish, you can smoke outside. You will find the smoking shelter under the stairs at south entrance.

Patient safety

The Spaarne Gasthuis hospital is continually working to improve the quality of care and the safety for patients. Patient safety is a very important subject for the Spaarne Gasthuis hospital. All staff and specialists are committed to making health care safe for each patient.

Compliments, suggestions and complaints

We value your opinion. If you would like to share a compliment or like to suggest an idea, please let uw know. You can send an e-mail to [email protected].

Are you not satisfied with the care you received at the Spaarne Gasthuis? Let us know so that we can look for a solution together. We would like to learn from your experiences in order to improve the quality of care. You can submit your complaint through our digital complaint form.